​Projects, pictures, and protests on my complacent existence. All while trying to better myself in all things craft and self.​

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

HALLOWEEN IS COMING!!!!!! 49 more days. :)

As you may have already guessed I am a HUGE Halloween fan. Not because of the costumes or candy or even the delicious pumpkin spiced everything, but because of the crafts and the cute creepy little knick knacks the crafts stores have.  Which means I may have emptied my bank account into Hobby Lobby and Michaels. And to top it all off I am still going strong on this productive creative high. Right now I am getting things ready for the Tampa Steampunk Ball on Saturday. I'm not only making things for myself but for any friends that may need some extra spunk. I have an overwhelming amount of tiny hats and super heavy headgear.
Here's the problem:
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, not the actual crafting but the fact that I am having issues with the quality of my work. Is it good enough? Creative enough? Will people actually read my blog? Or consider shelling out dough at my Etsy store? It's enough to put me huddled in the corner rocking back and forth, hyperventilating. Sure my friends are supportive and say that they like my stuff but really?!? That's their job, I could spit on a piece of paper, call it art, and they would say it was wonderful. What would random strangers on the street say? What would the judges of CraftWars say? These are the important people in my life. The faceless throng that will never know my name. AHHH! How can I craft well enough for these people? Maybe I should just douse it all with gasoline and set a match to it. That's seems like a calm rational thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. No fire! Your art is fantastic, and inspiring! Your crafting helps keep me motivated to craft too, and you come up with adorable, and crazy ideas! It will take time and lots of patience for the Etsy shop and blog to take off, but that doesn't mean people don't like it. What it means is that people don't know just how awesome you are and haven't had the privilege to see your talent.

    Your goal should be to craft well enough for yourself. If you're happy then it makes the hard work of crafting worth it.
