​Projects, pictures, and protests on my complacent existence. All while trying to better myself in all things craft and self.​

Monday, September 10, 2012

To the Beach with Daemonchild

The mission of my original blog was to get me to be more proactive in my day to day life. Not to let myself be a mindless couch potato. For about a year I let myself steep in a deep depression and neglected a lot of things that mattered to me. Basically putting my life on hold. This blog is an attack on that way of life. I no longer want to be that person.
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Life has a funny way of answering your needs. The day after I started this blogojourney I was invited out to Clearwater Beach next to Pier 60 to watch the fire spinners. With great company, cool sand between my toes, and a nice ocean breeze the night was perfect. My best friend and I even dipped our toes into Gulf. I also got some cool shots with a feature I found on my nifty little blue camera. I feel all artsy now.
I really wish I was coordinated enough to spin fire but I have a tendency to run into walls, not sure how I would fair with fire.